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Stop Sign: Director's Cut

July 29, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Can't remember

With the deadline to raise the health ceiling looming, all parties were locked in a stalemate. Representative Yen (R-CA) proposed a bill allowing for a reduction in the running time, with no increase in mileage, while Senator Hahn (D-PA) supported an effort to raise health by increasing mileage, claiming that the best way to improve the health is by increasing government-sponsored running. Representative Lo Galbo (Tea Party-NY, District 42) did not support either bill, as both neglected any mention of a ban on gay marriage. A closed-door meeting with Vice President Orner in the 8th minute jump-started the compromise process. In the 23rd minute a compromise was reached, with some cutting of running time that was dependent on a fixed amount of mileage (less than what Democrats wanted, but enough to still be effective). Ultimately, everyone was reasonably happy except the Tea Party, so it was declared a success.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles 1:01:29 7:41 / Mile