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June 11, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Road race in Holcomb! Was not bad but there was not much competition in the 10k. They had just repaved the road so it was VERY sandy, which made me slip on the gravel right as the gun was fired. I took a NASTY fall landing on my hip and cutting up my R hand and R knee. I recovered pretty quickly. I ran with the guys running the 5k for the first half of the race. Kayson and a few other runners were in it so I worked with them through the first part. I think we came through right around 17 flat or so. On the second lap I was all by myself. My legs felt pretty good but I could not breathe worth a crap and I was weezing really bad. I dont think it was a legit 10k but I was def surprised by how well my I ran considering everything.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10000.0 Meters 34:05 5:29 / Mile Race