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Blue Marsh Lake

August 23, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Got up at 8 am again today for the run at Blue marsh Lake. It was a bitch of a drive but we got there and warmed up on the road, and then headed out on the trail to the boat launch. Me, Sam, Ty, and Knouse only had 8 miles today but these trails were like Little Bennet, hilly as frat. We ran really slow but the way out was easy for some reason. I focused a lot on form today. I feel like my arm swing is improving a lot. We did strides afterwards and messed around in the parking lot. I stepped in dog shit in my bare feet and had to wash out in the lake. Some guys came with me and we skipped some rocks. Afterwards we went to Ganley's Pub as a team and got cheesesteaks. Mine was incredible. We went back to Blue Marsh afterwards to have some fun for the afternoon. I got a little burned and we jumped in the lake and played a nice game of football afterwards. I had a couple touchdown catches as me, russ, flach, jess, and marissa dominated knouse, gilboy, stephen, katie, and tyler. Flach was named MVP. Hannah stole my shirt afterwards. When we finally got back to Lehigh we went to 527 for a little bit and watched Bill, Cassie, Labar, and Christos play ruit. I wish that was my life right now I'm tired as Fuck. Got dinner at the Goose and now back in my room. Plyos in a half hour at the varsity house and then a pool workout. Legs feel alright, will probably feel worse in the very near future.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles