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F Pace...more like f this...

January 3, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Today's weather:

Feels Like: 13°

From NNW at 16mph gusting to 27mph


2x200 - 35
500 - 78
400 - 63
300 - 47
200 - 29

this workout blew. literally. no question that the 500 was sub 75 second effort, and so on. when the watch said 78, I knew we were gonna be in for a tough workout. That being said, this was F pace effort without question. the back straightaway was a wind tunnel, which is why the 200 was least affected by it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.12 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup  
1800.0 Meters