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practice 9-11: more alert today

January 7, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

goods nights sleep and im already recovering from exam week. way more alert than yesterday (lol i was so out of it by the end of the day yesturday)
got up at 7:30 to start studying, so i didnt feel too guilty going to practice for 2 hours. (i like to get my studying done in the morning while i'm still awake/not tired)
my shooting is more accurate. still need way more work on my shooting under pressure. but im not worried about it. it'll come eventually.
felt good, as usual, to run out some stress. still worried about english essay cauz i dunno how to study for an essay when i dont even know what the prompt is going to be. don't like being put on the spot. whatever happens, happens - i guess. i also completely got my french predicament out of my head (for a couple hrs at least) - dropping the class but need to pick up another academic - frustrating when i feel like im being discouraged to do an independent study, but i really need to figure out something to do with the extra free period. i really dont want 3 free periods - i already find myself going crazy of boredom with 2 free periods...i'll figure something out. hopefully.

got in crunch progression (30 sec sets) with some weak push-ups (altho they weren't as lazy as they've been the past several arms still aren't up to their usual strength tho
might do leg strengthening later.

back to enlish (yay! :(

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