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almost done with exams!

January 9, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: snowwww!

wandered the neighborhoods around school with melanie. nice to not know where we were going. no direction. didn't need to be anywhere. just ran, wandered, talked.
ran pretty slowly. kinda nice actually.
finished up with crunch progression and push-ups. i kept forgetting to check my watch, so what was supposed to be 30sec sets turned into 45-60sec sets...woopss...never trust me with time

done with all my hard exams. such a relief! not much left to worry abt :) just science and my pass/fail class left.

my shoulders are really bothering me again. i guess i shoulda expected it - i mean, its like my key stress marker. at least i haven't woken up to any muscle spasms in a while. athlo the pain in my shoulders definitely made it impossible to sleep last night - only got like 3 hours of sleep eventho i got in bed at like 9. well, it could be worse.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30:00 Easy Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe