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game: better...

January 13, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

Weather: cold and windy

already feeling better :) actually slept in - till almost 9:30! turned of the alarm and just turned over. like being productive and all, but today was just not the day for that.
got lunch, checked out some awesome running shoes, then hit the library where i got abt 10 books (didnt have time for more). great morning...

got nerveous before the game, but didnt really think about it much. i think it helped that we didn't have like any time to warm up and therefore no extra time for me to get more nervous, so i ended up actually playing kinda well. getting the hang of offense better. more aggressive on defense - until i got hit in the face and my nose started bleeding, which was really frustrating because i was really getting into the game. i tried to wipe away the blood, but by the time there was blood all over my hand i realized it was time to clean it up. ughhh! but i got to go back in later. i never really played the same, but oh well. and i wished i were more confident on offense, and drove to the basket, or just took some of those shots. i dunno why i get panicky like i do. i'll get another chance... i still played well i think. at least i didnt completely let the nerves get the best of me. i think that girl i was guarding helped with those nerves - gave me something to focus on - i liked the challenge (even tho i shy away from the idea of getting so physical...but then again, whats the worst that can happen? i get a bloody nose - and hey, that just happened. not so bad.)

all-in-all, good day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes