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teaching myself how to bike: reasons why my parents were never too keen on the idea... (and yes, i had the cliche crash)

January 15, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 33, sun out (but not really a warm sun)

fixing the bike:
took out my brothers old bike (hes in cali now he wont know) and brought it back to life. its roughly 20 years old, so you can imagine how much work it needed. when i uncovered the thick layer of spider webs and soot, i realized that it was actually a pretty sweet mountain bike. it took me a while to figure out what everything was...finally figured out how to adjust the seat (had no idea how high it was supposed to be tho so just guessed...). and then the wheels were COMPLETELY flat. it took me a good hour to figure out how to pump them not exactly sure if i pumped them up enough, but this air guage i found just wasnt working and i figured better a little less than too much. and plus, no way was i gunna try to pump it up a bit more and risk all the air escaping again. finally satisfied, i carried it up 2 flights of stairs and brought it out the front door, making sure my mom didnt hear a single bang...

the beginning:
i thought about how ppl usually learn to i decided to learn on my driveway, which, in the end, turned out to be the worst idea. when i finally managed to stay up for a few pedals, i realized that going up hill and around a curve was just not the easy way to learn this. but since id already started, i completed the training until i could get all the way to the other end without wobbling too much.

hitting the road:
now this is what i was really excited for. luckily there arent very many cars in my neighborhood, but its not exactly all that i experienced my first downhill after only one block. it was awesome. about halfway down i stopped clutching the breaks and just let the bike do its thing.
i discovered the downside: uphill. not so fun. i often wobbled uncontrollable as i neared the top of a steep hill. eventually i started to get the hang of it.
as i felt more under control of my bike, i started actually deciding what direction to go, taking the routes with the best down hills.

So i had no idea what gears even were until my dad told me the bike had them and that i should call my brother about them on this bike...i didnt. i tried to figure it out on my own which landed my on my face with a mouth full of dirt. so i called emma...and then just decided to keep it at 4 and hope that it worked.
i fell off quite a few times at the bottom of hills - i'd begin to lose control a bit and grasp anything in my panic, which usually ended with me accidentally shifting the gears. even when the whole gear thing wasnt an issue, well, the whole stopping this just isnt my forte.

so i got a bit too confident...and decided it was a good idea to go down the steepest hill in my neighborhood. excitement flooded over me as the speed took control. i refused to touch the breaks. a ditch in the road jostled me, and then the messy speed bump nearly sent me flying. but i kept going anyway (not that i knew how to stop if id wanted to). the road leveled out a tad around the sharp bend - and thats when i realized how stupid i was for not wearing a helmet. i skidded across the road, the bike continuing with the momentum in the other direction. recovering from surprise, i instinctively looked down at where the first shock of pain came from. instead of the bright orange fabric i expected, i saw, to my horror, a gaping hole in my now discolored gloves. MY FAVORITE GLOVES. i was so upset i nearly cried. these gloves i've had forever and have so many memories, so many cross country races, so many school days...and no i cant wear them again!
i walked over to retrieve my bike and adjusted the now crocked seat. the cold air functioned as ice for the burns i felt along my side, and i rode back home safely.
my wrist aches (remember, i already have weak wrists...) and i havent yet checked out how extensive the damage is to my flesh, but thats the least of my worries. all i can think about are my gloves. i know i must sound incredibly ridiculous right now, but i love these gloves! i cant believe i was so stupid!

*lesson of the day: i need to control the speed. not the other way around.*

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes