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game vs. ummm right yeah whats that school's name?

January 24, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

so after my awesome dream last night, i should've had a much better started off decently, routine. but then it just got bad. mid-morning just found out something - got crushed, and it took much effort to finally push past it by the afternoon. i was given the advice not to let it ruine my day, cauz its not worth it - and she was right. it wasn't worth it. not that it wasnt important, but its not worth the effort - not if its making me uphappy. i think thats the different between me now, and me as a freshman - back then...well...i think you remember those days where i just skipped practice/ran on my own...
so by game time i was ready enough to play hard. and despite the initial jolt of nerves that sent my mind all over the place, i ended up playing pretty well. got some steals. handled the ball without completely panicking. good defense. all-round good game. besides poor refs and a lost game :( but i had fun, and thats what matters.