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January 26, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Nice weather, 40s? No wind,

Sprint development today. Felt okay. Everything was good, form good breathing good, but shins started to hurt during the second drills of 30 meters. Felt good for the 150s. Felt tired after but i liked this workout. My lower legs shins and calves just felt icky.. Im going to ice them when i wake up. Shins stilll ew. I dont wanna get injuredddd. :(

Extra work: shin walks, kneelings, toe stretches, rolling out, calves stretches, all shin exercises tht i know of, no runners reaches cause the pressure put on each leg hurts so bad. :(

Workout: 4x150 buildups, 3x30 faster pace, 3x120 accelerators. Did jogging for the buildups and accelerators, the sprint we walked back. Also 3x60 hills.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.43 Miles 19:40
1.0 Miles 10:00 10:00 / Mile Warmup ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus
220.0 Meters Hills ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus
1000.0 Meters Speed ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus
960.0 Meters Speed ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus
120.0 Meters Speed ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus
1.0 Miles 9:40 9:40 / Mile Cooldown ASICS Lightning/Paradise Pink Gel Cumulus