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February 25, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

leadoff leg of the DMR, 3:14. led it through 800 but got jumped with 2 laps to go and dropped pretty significantly, although eventually made up a little ground and only finished two seconds back of dickinson and haverford.

lead off for the 4x8 as well, ran in 5th out of 9 for most of the first two laps, fell back to 8th in the middle of the third lap and DFL with 300 to go. on the curve at 250 left, I could hear Chris telling me that I needed to make my move now. I hit the straightaway heading towards 1 lap to go and put down a sprint, getting into third by the finish line and sitting five meters behind the haverford kid who blew past me in the 1200. Chased him all out heading towards 100 to go, and pulled even with him for the handoff. time was 2:00.

The 4x8 was a pretty big wake up call for me. I knew we were expecting to do big things in this relay, and I knew that it would be a failure on my part to hand off in last, and make the rest of the guys try to work their way back up. I really did have to make a move when I did, and I'm really glad I woke up and did it. the adrenaline of going from 9th to 3rd really sustained me and allowed me to make the dramatic pace shift that I did. There's nothing more empowering in a race than taking over the lead, even if it's just of a chase pack. Everyone should try it sometime.

Overall, I'm really happy to have been able to be a part of two relays in my first ever conference meet. Time to look towards outdoor and some fast 1500's.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.24 Miles 15:00
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Warmup  
2000.0 Meters