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another tempo

March 29, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: low 40s

i walked outside and went right back in. it was cold! i guess heavy leggings and long sleeves weren't enough. when i went back out with more layers, i was a bit more comfortable. i guess thats probably why about a block into my run, my legs told me that today was going to be a fast run. my pace wasn't that fast, but definitely tempo. by the time i got back i was almost warm! but not quite...

i guess i was supposed to do a work out this week....maybe i'll do one tomorrow. we'll see. prob not... i've been walking (faster than i care to) a good 4 or so hours every day since sunday, so i have been getting a lot of exercise - if that counts...

prior to run:
when we got here i was a little...hesitant. the "hotel" my dad picked out isn't a hotel. its a bed and break fast, if you can even call it that. it's this little 1950s white house, there's no parking lot (just a little drive way on the side), no sign indicating that its an inn. we get a call and we're told to get our eveloppe with a key from the mail box. There's no one even there! it's dead silent. its as if we're living in some deserted house! my dad said it would be an adventure, and while thats usually my kinda thing, i was definitely skeptical about this one...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30:00 Tempo GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6