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woodward relays: 800x2 - so long as i run btw 2 and 3 min, im satified

April 14, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: cold cold cold in the morning. hot in the afternoon.

spent the early morning watching my heart beat accelerate. and it wasnt even because of the race. i got thru the warm up...well half way thru anyway. and then had a momentary freak out. ok it wasn't momentary...but i snapped out of it and put my game face on and focused on the meet and being there for my team.

DMR: 800m, 3rd leg (with marisa, emma, and uhhh this is embarassing...a freshman sprinter that i've totally talked to before...)
good start to the day. i didnt think too much. relatively clear mind. focused on anthony's words: breathe. and just did my thing.
i think i had good splits? i think my 2nd lap was slower?
let myself use the competition around me. passed that girl in navy before the 200m mark. shifted off my heels before i even reached the turn so that i was starting my kick pretty much right at that 200 meter mark. i think thats starting to work for me - starting my kick earlier. that way i can hit more gears and hit those faster strides as i progress thru the last straight away.
solid time of 2:51. botched the baton exchanged again, even after practicing - i thinking it has something to do with freaking out right before receiving im working on it. but anyway, its still early in the season. any time between 2 and 3 min sounds fine to me.

SMR: 800m, anchor (with asia - sp?, erin, and uhhh sprinter freshman...i kno what she looks like tho...)
again, didn't overthink. however do remember having the thought of determination - determination to run faster than my first 800 of the day. and i did! 3 seconds faster! (2:48). Again, time smime, so long as its sub-3min im satisfied. i kno that sounds like a stupid time to be satisfied by and i should have a goal or something for every race, but i know when i've ran a good race before i've heard the time. and, both times today, i ran a good all-round race.

to think about: starting my kick earlier really worked for me today. maybe i can begin that shift 20m before the 200m mark. that should help me reach that speed. even still, since im not training with the sprinters this year, my speed isn't sharp. so maybe i should make better use of the endurance im getting from distance and start thinking about making the middle section of my race a couple seconds faster. just a thought...i'll experiment.
i also wonder how big a difference wearing spikes makes. ive always wondered...i dunno i have all season to wear them. maybe i'll use them at some point

so when my dad was watching me, he was talking to a family friend in the stands. that friend has an awful lot of experience with running. he told my dad that i seemed relaxed, and also said that i needed to work harder, do some strength work... i understood. i hadn't been thinking about it. but he's right, i've settled, i'm too relaxed.
so today i realized that i haven't been working that hard. i mean i've been going thru the motions n all. but i haven't been pushing myself - not really. i'm not talking about race day - im talking about the effort behind the scenes. doing crunches, strength work, finding time to make it to the weight room, week-end runs...i recognize i really did need that time this season to work on my nerves, but now that my nerves r under control (not that i dont have nerves anymore - but i can manage them, more or less), i think im now ready to really put that effort in. the season is half way over now, but i still have some time to see what i can do, and even if its a bit late for this season, the hard work will still filter into my next season (xc) - assuming i continue the momentum thru the summer. well thats thinking a bit too far ahead...for now, i think i'll work a little harder.

ok, now i've analyzed my race, and i can move on. short-term memory...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.99 Miles 5:39
2.0 Miles Warmup GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
800.0 Meters 2:51 5:43 / Mile Race GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
800.0 Meters 2:48 5:37 / Mile Race GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
1.0 Miles Cooldown GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6