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to the firehydrant

April 16, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 89, sunny, humid - my kinda weather

warm up lap felt kinda lazy as my body adjusted to the heat. but by the time i was actually running - i felt great. the humidity and heat made my muscles feel relaxed and anything but sore - the only slight downside being the sun draining my energy. but not that much energy...i guess i just like the heat - well, running in it anyway.
i headed off about 5min early with a couple teammates. i didnt even realize we were getting a head start - i assumed every1 was right behind us. we started on wisconsin, and did this sudden swerve into somerset (sharp left, paralleled wisconsin, and then sharp right back onto wisconsin). i guess anthony didn't want us to have to deal with so much wisconsin.
i sorta drifted ahead on the way back. i didnt mean just sorta happened after i kept j-walking n they didnt follow my this one time and i just kept running...well, anyhow, i felt good. nice pace.
acutally remembered to do planks. 45sec sets.
this week is a good week. im excited, and happy, and eventho i have work piling up here and there, im somehow just going with the flow and sorta keeping up n all. plus, all the prom asking is exciting :) reasons why i love this season!

(as i suspected, the whole "easing myself out of running log" plan didnt work out for

4/21: looking back at this entry days l8r made me realize how incredibly stupid i was. i mean firehydrant - really? clearly it was a fireHOUSE. im not gunna even begin to explain in how many ways thats incredibly stupid and makes absolutely no sense.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 35:00
5:00 Warmup GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
4.0 Miles 30:00 7:29 / Mile Cruise GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6