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flint hill meet: u cud say i didnt run my best...

April 17, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: i thought it was gunna b warm 2day! (figuratively - represents my day)

long bus ride.
impossible to find ppl to warm up with. every1 seemed scattered and not with it today, which made it hard on me who just wanted to "follow the leader" today.
mile: steady first 2 laps. mental collapse led to physical collapse around the 3rd lap and let every1 (3ppl) pass me. stronger final lap. time well u cud say wasnt what i hoped to put it nicely (6:40ish :/) but that wasnt the half of it. the race was the last thing on my mind - theres way too much going on and i just needed to go my pace, live in my head for a bit. i ended my race not even thinking bout the race - i just kept running, breezing by the guy at the table and gave him my name, then continuing past the soccer field and into the trails. i kept running for a long time. i took a different turn in the woods so i wouldn't have to do that tiny little loop that was their cross country course, and discovered that there was actually a really long trail deep into those woods. passed golf course, jumped over streams, and finally reached a busy street and realized i was at the end of the trail. i ran back, and added some side loops. found myself doing striders/sprinting here and there, but mostly steady pace.
eventually -reluctantly- brought myself back to the track where i was suddenly told to find the 4x400 team - i was not expecting to actually have to run that race. throwing my arms in the air in surrender, i complied and just did what i was told. at least i felt fastish in that one lap...and of course didnt kno what to do with the baton again when i reached kate. and then it was done. over. finished. and yet i didnt feel much relief.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.25 Miles 0:00
2.0 Miles Warmup GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
1.0 Miles Race GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
0.25 Miles Race GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6
7.0 Miles Cooldown GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6