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St. Fagan's

June 7, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Was supposed to run today... but it was gross out, and the French Open was on, and I didn't want to... I think this should count for something though! Biked around in the countryside with Krzysztof for a few hours. He thinks we went 30 miles but I think that's generous. putting 25. some highlights included the Welsh National Museum (which we didn't stop at. I've been there before.) and a beautiful little old chapel. we looked around at the graves awhile. some were from pre-1800. not crazy old for the UK, but still pretty old. it was a gorgeous trip. the weather also let up for a little while on the way back, which was nice of it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
25.0 Miles 1:50:00 4:24 / Mile