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rise and shine

July 20, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I'm off work today so I was able to run in the morning. My body was still kind of tired from last night's run, so there were a few points during this that I felt like I was really struggling. But I made it. I stopped for water a few times, because since it's so humid, I feel like I sweat off whatever water I have in me in like the first two miles, then just feel dehydrated for the rest of the run. I did some barefoot striders on the soccer field, partly because I should do striders, partly to get an extra bit of mileage in. Then I walked a new way back to my dorm.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles 0:00
7.0 Miles   Brooks PureFlow
0.5 Miles   Brooks PureFlow