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Lovely night run (+core and swimming)

August 6, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Back to running in TX heat. I actually loved it...

2.9 miles. I didn't mean to go this far but took a route that ended up being this long so... :) definitely felt the lower elevation. My 1rst mile was a good 4 (if not more) minutes faster than my fasted mile in CO which is insane. However I was also super happy to be home and I ran on a flat concrete route instead of gravelly hills. My 2nd mile was slower and the last 9 was a mix of walking and jogging. Still, I'm super happy. :)
Core/Cross Training:
Because of timing I ended up doing core after running and swimming instead of before like I usually do so was really tired by the time I got to it. I was going to up my abs and arm reps but I am already tired and don't want to be exhausted since tomorrow is the first practice (YAY!).
Abs: 111
Arms: 40
Legs: None, my knee is a little achy today and I want that gone before my running really kicks up.
Jumping Jacks: 50 (really wanted to do more but I worked out hard in the pool so I'm just kinda done.

Actually did some cross training!! I went to the pool tonight and swam laps. Except my pool is smaller so one lap (there and back) is about 80 yards. I probably did 8-9 laps. I know this isn't a lot but I was really tired from my run and my knee is aching some.. still happy to get some other workout in!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.9 Miles