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Weird day

April 5, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Warm, sunny

This was just one of those Mr. Paul days. We ran a very slow lollipop, then came back to the track and did a weird 6-lap "time trial" that involved benches being used as hurdles. He said to do it at race effort but I (thought I) got everyone to do a tempo pace, since we just had a workout yesterday. Well Scott had to go and ruin it by going out hard, and of course everyone on the team is too proud to be beaten by Scott, even if it's for the sake of training smart, so everyone went after him and I ended up tempoing alone. Then we did a weird relay thing where I was put on the girls team, probably as punishment for tempoing the time trial, where I once again tempoed, if you can even tempo a 300 (to be fair my "tempo" is still faster than the girls' race pace). Then we had a painfully slow cooldown since everyone had run themselves into the ground the day after a track workout. Whoo

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.46 Miles 39:53
2.38 Miles 18:47 7:53 / Mile Warmup Asics Cirrus 33
1.39 Miles 8:00 5:45 / Mile Tempo Asics Cirrus 33
300.0 Meters 0:53 4:44 / Mile Training Asics Cirrus 33
1.5 Miles 12:13 8:08 / Mile Cooldown Asics Cirrus 33