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Day one!

May 21, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: hottt

I went on a journey through the forest today, and then frolicked through a wooded glen. It was magical. I was almost run over by a bulldozer when I trekked across a local dam, but we worked it out and the driver was very nice. :) I continued my journey up a large hill (which was dumb because hills are awful) and at the top found some Indian burial grounds and a nice view, so that made up for the awfulness of the hill. On the way back I found a lake that I wanted to jump into but decided against it. I saw a swan though! And a blue heron. They were both very pretty. I proceeded to get eaten alive by some bugs so I decided to leave, but it was def a good day. (I hope that was interesting enough for you Brooke)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 36:00 8:59 / Mile   Asics Gel Blur 33