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July 27, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

Lifted with the moms and narps today aka at the JCC. Didn't feel that great but not terrible either. Really need to get back to school to get into the swing of lifting regularly with other people

As I'm writing this I realize that I am the person too stupid to know my own strength. I wasn't looking to go to heavy on the squats- just pretty much stay level like I do with leg extensions- but what I thought yesterday was 225 for my last set, I am realizing today that it was actually 245. It didn't feel unreasonably tough and I know I could do close to 300 if I really want, I'm just worried about my legs getting too big. I still gotta hawk down Carey, Darius and
Ray, and that will happen assuming I am given the opportunity this year. I don't care what shape I'm in, what shape anyone else is in, if I'm hurt or whatever- I hawk people down in big-meet 4x4s

Abductor, adductor
Lat pulldowns
Squats (8,7,6,5- 185, 205, 225, 245)
Leg extensions, leg curls (seated) (85- felt strangely difficult any heavier. I normally have weak hamstrings but not that weak)