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Charles river pickups

September 4, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Having done only long/ tempo workouts, I decided I should do a solid fartlek workout today. I went out along the H side of the Charles to Harvard Bridge then on the way back, did 5 pickups with 2 min of jogging between each: 8min, 4min, 2min, 1min, 30sec. The 8min pickup felt really strong but I felt quite tired by the end of the 4min one. The rest were really nice because they forced me to get into more of a sprinting stride, which I haven't been doing much. Overall, it felt really good, though I did miss having teammates around me. Still, glad I got a workout in.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.1 Miles 52:11
6.9 Miles 50:11 7:16 / Mile    
0.2 Miles 2:00 9:59 / Mile Cooldown