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October 29, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 85

I felt great until about 2.5 miles but then my knee started hurting so I got a ride back with you. I went to get my foot looked at today because I've been feeling a sharp pain on my bridge. Apparently my left leg is about 1 1/2 centimeters longer than my right. The doctor said that my off gait is probably why my I've been having knee problems. He took an x-ray and said that the gap between the joints of my first and second metatarsal is over twice as big as it is supposed to be. This caused a pretty sever pronation, putting too much stress on my joints expelling the pain. I'm going to get fitted orthopedic inserts next week. He gave me a right leg lift to wear in the meantime. Hopefully this will help a lot.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.55 Miles 31:50 8:58 / Mile Recovery Adidas 19