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Night tempo

November 14, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

I went to the MAC at 420 to meet up with the running club people but I waited until 430 and no one showed up so I decided to head out on my own run. It was nice running without listening to anything and just by myself--a lot of time to think. However, I was feeling like I hadn't been doing enough workouts recently so after I got about 30 minutes in, I found my way perfectly to Mass Ave right from the border of Arlington and tempo'd back to school. For the last 3-5 minutes of the tempo my legs were burning a bit and I was definitely having to work to stay mentally focused and pushing myself but still, I felt good.
The first part of the run:
The tempo part:

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.44 Miles 46:21
4.1 Miles 30:45 7:30 / Mile Cruise  
2.34 Miles 15:36 6:40 / Mile Tempo