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November 20, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ayeee twice in a week. my new favorite new song is trumpets by jason derulo. its so catchy. and silly. in the video he basically is just cock-blocked by trumpet players and it makes me chuckle. i was going to try and update my ipod because its been a while since i have and im sure there's some good music out there that has come out recently. lots of chances to listen to music so why not spice it up. i think i've overplayed a few of my favorite albums and definitely the guardians of the galaxy soundtrack. but anyway watching the videos for some of the current popular music of the kids these days, and i decided even if anyone can ever convince me to settle down and have a family i refuse to have a daughter. like i dont even want to touch the conversations about why she cant wear what all the girls in the music videos and in the movies wear. actually it wouldnt be a problem because my daughter would never be allowed to touch any device with internet connection. we'd go see kids movies as a family all day everyday. problem solved. i think thats why i actually dislike nicki minaj and lady gaga. not because i dont enjoy their music, because there are a select few that i actually enjoy (dont tell allison!). but so far as i remember beyond maybe madonna, they were the beginning of the lets do all this weird and half naked (not necessarily at the same time) stuff in videos. i get that a music video, like the music, falls in the category of art and you should be able to express yourself but it all just seems to over the top and attention grabbing for me. i don't like it. and i guess if thats how people want to express themselves they can, its just i'm not even close to being a parent and its something i thought of.

i dont think i can imagine having a family, like ever. maybe that will change, but i really really cant see it right now. not just because the dangers of having a daughter near the internet, but just because at this point in my life i have no idea what im doing and theres so much i want to do and i just watched the last season of the office for the first time and jim and pam scared the hell out me. for liek 20 episodes. im not going to pretend im not selfish so theres a lot of things i want to do for me. and while i want to be an engineer and do some cool things with that, despite my fear of heights which makes me think i wouldnt enjoy flying, i really want to travel a lot at some point in my life. ideally i'd want to be able to take something i've helped create to another part of the world to help people, but i also just think theres so much culture out there beyond whats on my phone and computer. which is what i feel like a lot of people's lives are devolving to. a phone and a computer and all the people on them. on reddit and watching netflix like me. because as much as i love movies wouldn't it be awesome to go somewhere and not be able to see them and have so much more to do that movies don't matter anymore. as much as i love all my friends i think itd be cool to just disappear to another country for 3 years. you know i'm there and you know i'm alive but beyond that i'm just out doing cool stuff. i don't have some stupid phone to facebook all my events and when i come back i've got these real actual pictures of all these cool people and all these places. then i resume the normal world and binge watch the 50-60 movies i know i had to see over 3 years in the span of a week. haha. yeah i want to travel. i think it'd be cool.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.5 Miles   Gel Contend 2 blue