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April 4, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

10 min w/u
2 mile tempo in 12:20
20 min 2 on 2 off fartlek
2 mile c/d
Was not very mentally tough today, and I regret it, i really do. I want to get better but if I keep having workouts like this I wil not, because I am not giving my all. I stopped after 1.5 miles because I felt so tired. I pooped (sorry tmi) and my stomach hurt really bad. Finally I set off again and only did another half mile to make it 2, even though this was supposed to be a 2.5 mile tempo. During my tempo I kept thinking how afraid I was of the 5k next weekend. Terrified. Which is so stupid. I need to be brave and confident, not afraid. Fear is a choice, and I want to choose to ignore it and bust through it. Because only then will I have the courage to really try, to really give myself a chance to do something great again. That is all for today. I will remember the feeling of regret after this and I will do better.

Also I am going to eat HEALTHY starting tomorrow. I've had three days of pretty poor eating, and eating a LOT, but that is all about to change

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.3 Miles