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100 on 100 leg 3

August 15, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s and rain (some distant thunder)

I started this one around 5pm and the weather had completely changed which helped. I had reconciled myself to just treating this as a training run and shooting for 7:30 pace. True to the predictions, this was 6 miles of uphill as we approached the Killington Ski resort area. Karl had a final 4 mile climb after me to the base of the mountain. The first mile or two wasn't very steep, just steady, uphill slopes, sometimes not much worse than the Crescent trail, I tried to convince myself. I was much happier with my mental focus and effort on this leg than on the second half of the second leg earlier today. Form never broke down and I didn't panic or cuss as I'd been doing regularly on leg 2. In fact, I'd kept expecting hills around every bend and was thrilled to find a couple of flat or even downward sloping sections half way through and with about a mile to go. Definitely felt controlled on this leg and worried at times tat I wasn't emptying my tank as much as I'd like, but as the final 600 was one of the most nasty climbs of the day and the fact that there was a 10% grade in some of the last two miles, it seems wise that I was conserving. Went back to wearing my Adidas trainers, but even with that I was fighting off leg cramps in my right hamstring, calves and feet by the lat 800m

splits (with the usual doubts of accuracy)
6:40 (13:55)
8:18 (22:14) bogus
7:02 (29:16)
7:37 (36:53)
7:39 (44:33)
3:05 (47:39) seems unlikely to have actually been .6 mile

Enjoyed the giddiness after I was done, but had to keep it in check as my five teammates still had their final legs to run. Our "Old Goats" team was third overall, only 5 minutes behind Pain Train Diesel, but about 30 minutes behind the top high school team (which included an 8:43 two miler/Stanford recruit legend has it). We would have lost to the high school B team had their final runner not taken a wrong turn int he dark with half a mile to go. We edged out the Pain Train Steam super masters by a few minutes despite their being much more consistent than us. We relied upon Karl and Fraser cranking out 5:40s, Sparky holding 6 flats, Hood keeping things under 7 on his later legs despite achilles issues, and Coulston running steady 7:40s or so. After some lusy food at the "post race party," we drove the hour through heavy fog back to Montpelier and I got 5:30 hours of heavy sleep before driving back to my family in Nantucket on Sunday morning. Despite my not being quite where I wanted to be fitness-wise, and the heat and hills, I was thrilled to have done this and it truly is the closest thing there could be to reliving the glory of running on a good College team. I write this on the Wednesday after the Saturday race, and I can once again walk down stairs with only minimal pain.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.6 Miles 47:39 7:13 / Mile Race #3 red Adidas