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September 13, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Rainy and miserable

Despite disagreeing at first about how best to access the path, as a team we climbed up Mont Royal, and went back down. Simple. Most extended at the top, or found some longer way back, but I returned to the youth hostel with Ian, Will, David, Matt Rock, Lucas and Michael B. The decision stemmed from a rather poor recovery from the race, a severely interrupted night of sleep when my roommates returned from their evening adventures (ils couraient la galipote, as they say in Quebec) and a worsening cough. I felt okay on the run itself, but could not have been doing myself any favors staying out in the rain much longer. Sticking it out would have bordered on stupidity. Even so, this run did feel like a step backwards compared to my streak of summer long runs, one that I aim to correct soon. This has been a positive experience overall, but the weekend has taken its toll on my immune system, and I am struggling with illness as I write. The bus ride back took the entire day, making it a relief that I don't have any significant amount of homework.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles 1:30:00 7:30 / Mile Long