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Has it really been a week?

September 21, 2015 (Night)

Exercise Type: Swim

I guess time flies in college. We had our weekly pool day after yoga and speedbuild drills, a controversial and polarizing subject on the team. Read: most guys hate it, but Pete so intensely believes in it that nearly everyone complies.

100m freestyle warmup
200m steady
150m hard
100m IM, for which I did 50m of breaststroke because I don't think I can do butterfly.
4x50m hard
Note: 25m easy freestyle between all of those intervals

Several sets of kicking while hanging onto the wall--for some reason I feel as though this is great team building exercise.

Aqua-running: 2(30, 30, 30, 30), workshopping different parts of our stride
First 30 seconds: high knees
Second: Emphasizing the forward part of the stride, with the ankle
Third: Pulling back with the hamstring more
Fourth: Putting it all together
4x1-minute steady, counting strides
3-minute tempo
1-minute at 3k effort
2x30 seconds at mile effort

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
45:00 Training