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September 26, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s, perfect

Episcopal relays sophomore year, Glory Days senior year, I never learn. I still decided to race even though I had not fully recovered! Let me be clear that I was sick the week of Montreal and for some time after, was almost completely rid of it and then last week it came back, this time a dry hacking cough instead of a productive one. Other than that, I didn't have any other symptoms and tried to counteract it as usual with DayQuil, tea and a cough syrup. Training was going okay, but today has been a wake up call that I need to get better.

Splits today on the Mt. Greylock HS course were 5:25, 11:28--you can tell just by that metric how awfully I performed, but remember also that my SOPHOMORE YEAR PR was 17:49! I wasn't particularly negative or down on myself during the race, just utterly lacking motivation and unable to stick with person after person who passed me. Just not the best decision. Moreover, I just don't know what to do now. A visit to the health center--where the nurse gave me some Claritin--has revealed that this cough could go on for weeks. And based on recent signs, it doesn't look like I'll be running in many championship meets. So from a competitive perspective, I won't have too many other chances to make the season worthwhile. Not to mention I could be 100% healthy and still run terribly.

The women won the 6k, men took second to Amherst in the 8k, and we got second in the 5k.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.86 Miles 48:09
2.5 Miles 19:59 7:59 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 18:06 5:49 / Mile Tempo  
1.25 Miles 10:04 8:03 / Mile Cooldown