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October 9, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

I woke up and rushed for breakfast and 10 o'clock Latin after which I went back to bed for three hours--which seems imprudent, but given how tired I felt, I knew it was necessary. In any case, it has made me less anxious about going to sleep tonight. At 3:30pm, I went to the health center AGAIN where I learned that my eardrum isn't ruptured and that I'll just have to finish the antibiotics and patiently wait to fully regain my hearing.

Then I ran Blair wormhole variation at 4:15 with Jay starting from Gladden, which gave us six miles in total. We stopped in the field house and did drills and six striders. Despite the miserable weather and no shortage of puddles, I felt confident and fit. From the high vantage you could see that lots of fog had settled in the valley, sharply contrasted with bright red leaves.

As for the race tomorrow, I have no plan. Every time I've tried to go out hard in a distance race, it's failed, but worse still will be starting too conservatively and regretting it later. I will need to find some happy medium and dispense with the clichés I've been telling myself (see below) and find the motivation on my own to push during the last two miles.

1. I haven't achieved anything in college running yet.
2. I'm in such good shape that I should able to run well, right?
3. I need to prove my worth to Pete.

No pressure, right?