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October 20, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Much warmer than yesterday

Did a different workout from the "training through group" (read: fast people) at Cole Field.
300m at mile pace, 52
600m at 3k, 1:58
1000m at 5k, 3:22
600m at 3k, 1:53
300m at mile, 53
Six minutes of tempo at Lower Cole.
At the end I ran Cozy with Kilman, Rock, Azzara, Kahrs and Ferland. I felt extremely fatigued and with this new speices of cough, breathing was definitely a problem throughout. I also felt awkward for some reason and could not quite find my form.

The doctor at the Health Center today after listening to my breathing gave me an inhaler to see if that might help get rid of the cough. Because there's no infection in the lungs, antibiotics won't do anything. Nobody REALLY knows what sickness I have, but there is no way a common cold can come and go over a period of 40 days. But I guess we are approaching the six-week number which the first doctor said could happen.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.04 Miles 1:11:37
2.4 Miles 17:22 7:14 / Mile Warmup  
2800.0 Meters 7:48 4:28 / Mile Interval  
1.0 Miles 6:00 6:00 / Mile Tempo  
0.8 Miles 9:00 11:14 / Mile    
4.1 Miles 31:27 7:40 / Mile Cooldown