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Headington interval workout, Arlington road loop

October 27, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Tough workout. Each interval was 2 of the short loops around arlington (about 530m), goal was to do first lap at 5k pace and second lap at 3k pace (about 5 seconds faster). Didn't hit it well. First two laps were at positive splits, third was only a 3second negative split, and last two were big negative splits but i had to run the first lap super slow each time. Lap times:

2:04, 2:05
2:07, 2:08
2:11, 2:08
2:19, 1:59
2:18, 2:01

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.8 Miles 21:19
0.75 Miles Warmup Brooks launch (green)
0.66 Miles 4:09 6:17 / Mile Interval Brooks launch (green)
0.66 Miles 4:15 6:26 / Mile Interval Brooks launch (green)
0.66 Miles 4:19 6:32 / Mile Interval Brooks launch (green)
0.66 Miles 4:18 6:30 / Mile Interval Brooks launch (green)
0.66 Miles 4:18 6:30 / Mile Interval Brooks launch (green)
0.75 Miles Cooldown Brooks launch (green)