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hardest workout ever! (around the lake)

August 28, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: overcast and a little chilly.

we did the around the lake run at spencer crest where you are with a partner and you have to meet up on the other side, then come back to the beginning 4 times. then switch sides and do it over again. first we did a warmup of the whole loop and that was 2 miles. then we began. i was partnered with amanda oggeri. the first three, i didnt feel like i had much energy, or i was storing it, but i dont know. the next one i han fast since we were almost to the switch. the rest wqas really painful (not like an injury), especially going up and down goat hill. we finshed up somewwher in the mi8ddle of the teams

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles 1:21:23
2.0 Miles 9:20 4:39 / Mile Warmup stability contol asics
10.0 Miles 1:12:03 7:12 / Mile Tempo stability contol asics