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For the beauty of the snow

January 24, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 20 with some wind and mediocre footing, bright sun

Let home at 8:00 and staggered down a deep tire track on Livingston for two long blocks to Connecticut. Turned south and ran down the middle of the pretty well plowed road until I intercepted Mark B. around Kanawah. We turned north and took Conn past Bradley. Turned left onto the street that leads past Chevy Chase Elementary (and was plowed). Meandered through Chevy Chase and then looped the center of Bethesda which, like everywhere else, had no traffic at 8:00am the day after 20+ inches of snow fell. Finished down Wisconsin and up the impeccably cleared path behind Clydes. Surprised both by how many roads are clear and how many roads are not clear. While the back has been achy from all the shoveling/fort building yesterday and today, it was fine on the run. Just the usual flare ups form the hamstring and hips and knees that one expects in such slushy conditions. Miles, like yesterday are probably slightly exaggerated as the pace is surely slower on the snow (especially uphills), but I'm accepting it as the effort felt more like 6 than 5.5 miles.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 47:00 7:50 / Mile Training Blue and green Adidas