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AU and Back+Elliptical

April 15, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran to Au with Mia and Tara. Warmed up with the team. I had a realization while warming up that being with the team is one of the times when I feel the happiest and most comfortable. I'm not describing the moment very well, but it was really nice. It was kind of a sense that there was nothing I'd rather be doing in that moment than warming up at AU with 50 other people that I totally adore. You guys are so special. Anyway, Mia's and my shins were hurting, so we just jogged back to school after warming up and ellipticalled. I did 10 mins. The run was really slow, but that was fine with me. It's always fun to run with Mia.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.6 Miles 31:00 11:55 / Mile