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Circuit Circuit

August 1, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 81, humid, sunny

Ran up to Roxboro for a workout: repeat 200s at goal of 40 seconds with 5 burpees after each, into the next without recovery. Set of four, then two sets of two. Five, then three minutes recovery before jogging home.

Splits: 37, 40, 39, 41, 37, 40.00, 36, 39

Assuming average decimal of .5 on each, yields 313 seconds: 39.1 average. Not bad. Gonna try and get this to a mile uninterrupted at goal of 40 seconds per, then crank down to 5 minute mile pace before building up the burpees between.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.54 Miles 0:00
0.75 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Blue/White II
1600.0 Meters Interval Ghost 5 Blue/White II
0.8 Miles Cooldown Ghost 5 Blue/White II