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Tempo timez!

August 4, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Today was especially nice because I've been training on my own for a while and have been feeling like I'm in a mental slump. It sure is easier running higher mileage with teammates. We started out nice and slow, too. I probably should have had more water to drink during the day. I aqua jogged for about 20 minutes this morning while I was hanging out at the pool but then it got too crowded.
Grace, Aliza, Sylvia, Amy, Zoe, and myself did the full length together. It was hot and my head and stomach hurt but I was really happy just to be there so I didn't mind much.
Both my timing and distance are kind of off as well, my watch was bugging out.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.2 Miles 1:04:00 8:53 / Mile