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Long run

September 11, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

16 miles!!!

You did a great job last week of pacing and putting in a lot of quality run miles...
So this week, I want to go a little out of the box, by running the first 6 miles very conservative with a 30 second to 1 min walk break every half mile...
Once you hit 6, I want to take a big chance and run 4 miles without stopping making the middle 4 miles hopefully the fastest for the day!!

Finish the last 6 similarity to how you did the first 6, with walks every half mile.
The idea though is to keep it steady, push middle 4 miles and then back to steady.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.02 Miles 3:30:54 13:09 / Mile Long