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Mixing Sweat

September 9, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 103 degrees

Miserably hot today:( Felt pretty bad as usual on the run. Ran with a biggish group out and turned at ward and then spread out into smaller groups. I ran back with Mia and Finn. We stopped way to many times to stretch, but I needed them all ;'( Mia and I tempoed the last 4.5 blocks which actually was the one part that felt decent. I'm kinda frustrated because I claim to like running, but lately my runs (when I'm even able to do them) have been so bad, and I don't feel like I have recently enjoyed the actual act of running very much. Sometimes I enjoy the weather or the scenery or the discussion or lots of other things, and I definitely more than enjoy the team, but the actual running part hasn't really clicked for me. I really want to be the kind of person who just HAS to get out for a run and can't stand not to because I definitely feel better in so many ways during the season, but still, the actual run very rarely feels great, and I don't know if I've ever had a run where I could just happily continue endlessly. I don't know, I'm kinda just ranting now, but I'm just feeling a bit down about it all right now because I really want to contribute to the team and get stronger and improve my times this season, but I can't even go for a steady run that feels really good. Maybe my expectations are just too high right now for my amount of training so far and the weather, but I'm feeling this way about a lot of the runs I do and it's disappointing.

Lots of strength today:
In PE: 80 crunches, 16 pushups, 2 sets of front planks with a leg up and side planks (20 seconds per plank)
During track: Pushup progression (20 seconds?), Crunch Progression (3*1)
In weight room after run: 2 sets of: inverted sit-ups (10), Pike Tuck leg lifts (10), Bi/Tricep? pulldowns (10, 40lb)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.55 Miles 27:00
0.55 Miles 6:00 10:54 / Mile Warmup  
2.0 Miles 21:00 10:29 / Mile