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Doing that Log thing again

September 12, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Average Weather, sunny and dry

Going to be using log again, as per request of coaches. As always, times and distances won't be exact and are estimated because I don't have a fancy watch that tells me things like exact distances. The run felt nice, nice easy workout going into a dual meet week. Ran for the full 40, probably pulled somewheres from 4.5-5 miles. 5 strides afterwards, felt fine. Should be OK going into the meet tomorrow, but will probably be less focused due to things like picture day, an english test, and so forth. This is probably enough detail so we're done here

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup  
4.75 Miles Easy  
0.25 Miles Race