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September 21, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80F, Sunny

Talked a lot about how we can get better as a team. According to Coach, it's mostly a question we need to answer by ourselves. Personally, I just bitch out second going into third mile. I disagree with Victor's interpretation that we ought to all run together from the start; the natural separation ought to be Diaz, chased by Dario, Victor, Ethan, Shailesh, chased by Rohit, me, and Jonathan. Victor and Dario tend to get excited and push the pace easily, in combination with Alvin, meaning an absurdly fast pace for the run altogether. Somewhat annoyed, but I understand everyone's frustration.
Ran With: Rohit, Victor, Ethan, Dario, Diaz

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 52:58
7.0 Miles 47:20 6:45 / Mile Steady State New Balance Fresh Foam Boracay
1.0 Miles 5:38 5:38 / Mile Tempo New Balance Fresh Foam Boracay
1.0 Miles Cooldown New Balance Fresh Foam Boracay