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Survival of the Fittest

September 21, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

...I barely survived:) JK, the Flint Hill meet was actually really fun, except for the racing part which was super hard, and I felt very slow and exhausted. In general, I would't recommend doing only a few 3 mile+ runs in a month, getting 4 hours and 20 minutes of sleep, and then racing the next day. You don't feel very good for the 30+ minutes it then takes you to complete the race because of the previously stated factors. Literally my whole body hurt at one point or another during the race, and I'm pretty exhausted now, but I'm really glad I got through it, and I'm hoping it was enough motivation, so I can start doing some better training. I had a very nice long talk with Anthony on the bus back where he shared words of wisdom on many topics!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.36 Miles 41:08
1.0 Miles 10:00 10:00 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 31:08 10:01 / Mile Race  
400.0 Meters Cooldown