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Gary Ward!

October 1, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run


Wow, for how much I hate Gary Ward I actually had a great time! I think it was mainly because the weather was amazing, but who knows! I can't believe how fun it was :)

YAY KERRIE! FINALLY! Five seniors on the varsity team. WOOOOOOO I am so extremely pumped for this, you have no idea :)

Anyways, I felt pretty good during this race. Afterwards, I felt like my allergies were working up from the air or something, but other than that I thought I felt really relaxed!

The first mile, I couldn't contain myself haha. Lila, Chelsie, and I were "assigned" to go out together, and I don't know why but I still got out pretty quick. I kept Sora probably more than 10 seconds ahead of us, which was great. I was so proud of Chelsie for keeping with us the first mile, she was BEASTLY! The first mile, we were passing people a lot. I felt like I needed to slow down, but then I realized if we went any slower we would be going too slow. The first mile went great and I felt wonderful.

Second mile was a little harder. I couldn't believe how fast I was going though, usually at Gary Ward it seems so slow to me! Anyways, I think I lost Lila a bit during the second mile, but she kept up right behind me! Haha, yes and I caught Sora. It was fun haha I was like "okay, i'm gonna go get her!" Fun fun, I think I remember passing a Vallivue girl, yay. But it felt pretty good.

Third mile, ah! It was fun, but I think I was a little more tired. Me and Sora ran together a little bit, for half the time I was either right on her heels or right next to her. Haha we both passed two people. One from Vallivue, (i think) and Becca from BK. My finish was the strongest I have had all year. I was like right there almost beating Sora, but then the stupid chute got smaller and smaller...and smaller. So, I was forced to slow it down. Haha, fun finish though! Third mile went really well for me.

Overall, I don't think my race was bad at all! Usually I fail miserably at this race, but this time I kicked it in the face and had a decent race! Haha, yes.

We beat vallivue. :)

And out of every race, at least TWO PEOPLE PLACED. I'd say that's an accomplishment ;)

WOOO and for Kerrie being up with her friends on varisty :)

Oh yeah, but I was bummed about my time. AH oh well

good job everybody

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.1 Miles 50:21
3.1 Miles 20:21 6:33 / Mile Race  
3.0 Miles 30:00 10:00 / Mile Cooldown