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First Run Back!

June 13, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I'm realizing that I never did an end of season log after the B meet, but I don't really feel like going back and doing one now, so I'll just say that my spring season was mediocre. I had a few good races, but had a hard time motivating for steady runs, and I think if I'd been more motivated, I could have been in much better shape and probably PR'd in the 800. Anyway, that's a month behind me now, and I'm ready and excited to start thinking about XC!!! For the last few days, I've been telling myself that I should start summer training, but yet again, motivation, in the heat and my solitude, has evaded me. Thankfully, Sophia was around today, and so we ran together which was super nice! We just went 10 minutes, and I definitely felt out of shape, but also like I could have kept going much longer--we were going pretty slow though. I'm excited to train this summer and see what I can do this fall. I have high hopes for this season and am really hoping that my shins do better. I've been trying to remember to do band exercises for them, so hopefully that's helping. My 5k goal, though maybe too ambitious, is to be under 24:00. I think I could do it at 3rd battle maybe if I really keep up training well through August while I'm away. That's never as easy as it sounds now though.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.8 Miles 10:00 12:29 / Mile