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Summer Showers

July 2, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Possibly first run on my own of the summer because I ran with Sophia for a week and then was sick for a week before summer running started. This run felt hard and sweaty and my calves were tight as usual, but I felt the most emotionally not-dreading-it that I have in a while which was nice. Apparently, I was going pretty slowly, but that's okay I guess as long as i did the right amount. Just made up a route as I went, so ran down reno to Tilden to Connecticut and then cut through the UDC campus to Van Ness to home. Ran an extra 2 blocks just to run through a sprinkler because the rain made no difference in the temperature.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.7 Miles 21:14 12:29 / Mile