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Switch it, just a little

July 15, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~75 degrees, Hotish

Long run day. Took a couple liberties with the
usual route, I think for the better. I ended up with a lot less awkward running in circles in the parking lot to round out the mileage. Which is a plus. Felt real good, but the second half of the run, even though my calf wasn't hurting, it was kinda like pre-stage 1 of cramping. Which was weird. Writing this now, my legs feel wayy fresher than they normally do after a run like this. Which is great! I'm glad to actually be getting something out of these.

Y'all people better be ready at Alumni this year. I am gonna be so mediocre compared to everyone else, you will not believe it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles Long Brooks Launch 4 "Like a NASA"