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Final Oat Meal

September 16, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Had an awesome time at Oatlands! Hot, hot, hot day, and waiting for the last race did not help. I felt awful on the starting line, and honestly, at one point, I told myself that my goal was just to cross the finish line...

Anyways, I took the first mile out pretty conservatively, I believe in about 6:11 or 6:12. I guess I was really worried based on how I was feeling at the start, so I really wanted to conserve so I could work the hills. Mile two felt like the fastest, and I passed a TON of people, but in reality (I don't have splits), it was probably about the same as the first mile. After the Sahill, my legs felt like they couldn't move anymore and I focused on form and honed in on people's backs to keep moving. At around the 2.75 mark, the guy running next to me leaned over and puked everywhere! I gagged, and almost threw up too, but I somehow just looked forward and kept racing. I'm usually awful with stuff like that, I have a terrible stomach. Time was not anywhere close to what I would have liked, but I guess I made the best of the circumstance. Still wish I had pushed the last mile harder.

Good conversation with Leah (thanks for coming!!) on the way back. Realized how amplified everything feels in the heat, and just at this meet as well. I'm so proud of all the Hoppers that raced today! You all did an amazing job for such a challenging day at the end of such a challenging week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.56 Miles 54:22
2.1 Miles 20:06 9:34 / Mile Warmup Topo Athletic Fli-Lyte 2
1.1 Miles 10:37 9:39 / Mile   Topo Athletic Fli-Lyte 2
5.0 Kilometers 20:30 6:35 / Mile Race Topo Athletic Fli-Lyte 2
0.25 Miles 3:09 12:36 / Mile Cooldown Topo Athletic Fli-Lyte 2