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Manhattan Invite

October 14, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Let's get back to the 5ks please

I was really hoping to do well this race because last year and sophomore year it was my worst race of the season and I wanted to turn that around. I didn't do as bad as the years before, but I still wasn't anywhere near where I should've been. I did figure out why I've never raced well despite feeling perfectly fine before. It's because I've been running it like a 5k this whole time and didn't even realize until now. On the bright side, this is the last 4k I'll ever run!
Also, we won race D and got 25th in the merge! I like the dark blue color of the shirts. They're nearly the same shade as the IXC shirt. Afterward we got interviewed by milesplit. I decided to just give the shortest answer possible so I wouldn't say anything stupid. I'm pretty sure it worked, but I haven't seen the video.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.67 Miles 56:17
1.16 Miles 10:18 8:52 / Mile Warmup  
1.63 Miles 14:35 8:56 / Mile    
4.0 Kilometers 17:35 7:04 / Mile    
1.39 Miles 13:49 9:56 / Mile Cooldown