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Life of a Travel Coordinator

April 4, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

This is not a running log, this is a ranting log out of pure anger. Some of you guys may seen the FB post I made, but missed a lot from it. Well, here's my run down and extremely pissed off rant about the situation. Be warned.

So, I'm at Wilson Late Night. I have spent several days trying to work out travel plans, because there are a ton of factors to look into. I'm working on not one... but TWO travel emails. Plus, I have to work with moving half marathoners from one hotel to another, which we have never done before. I'm making sure we have enough rooms both nights and that everything works out. Making the rooming list is also one of the biggest hassles (I don't want to make the rooming list, but hotels require it and makes traveling run so much smoother). Keep in mind, my laptop is also at 2% and I'm just trying to get these two emails sent out. I usually like to check over, reread, bold, and link all of my emails, but I was getting a lot of messages from people about traveling plans, so I was just trying to get it sent out.

So, usually after sending out a travel plan, i expect to hear back from some people right? I mean i didn't even reread the email this time around, so i'm expected to spell names wrong (RIP Austin) and miss a few things (yup, I forgot to take out the fact that we weren't competing in an order track). I'm totally fine with that, definitely anticipating getting roasted, no big deal at all.

So then I get two messages at the same time. I won't name names (ask me if you want lol), but they're from two girls who literally have only showed up to the Intrasquad meet and like 3 practices. I hardly know them at all. They are both asking why they weren't put in a room with all 4 of their friends. I was nice in responding and explained that there are no guarantees (as fucking SPECIFIED in the travel form) that people will be in the same room or car. I try to, but as travel coordinator, you learn that you can't make everyone happy. That's just how it goes. Now, one of the girl drops, while the other decides to fight me on it even further. She's questioning how travel plans are made on and pressing on why HER RANDOM ASS isn't in the same room as the friends she requested. Like who the fuck even are you? Do i know you? All I remember is that absolute trash 200 that you ran at the intrasquad meet. Nothing else.

So after she's fighting me, I make a FB post explaining and clarifying about how travel meets work. You guys are all seasoned veterans and now how this shit works, but I kindly (and VERY PASSIVE AGGRESSIVELY) explain how things work. Initially after the post, I get some likes and some genuinely really nice comments. But what does this girl do? She mad reacts my post. She took the mad react down, but she is not letting this go. And then she has the audicity to call me extremely rude and tell me that I handled this situation poorly. Oh and that "She's great at making new friends". REALLY? You're great at making friends huh. Oh. my. GOD, I don't think I've disliked someone so much.

So I'm absolutely fuming now. I am more angry than I've been in a long ass time. The fact that this girl, who doesn't understand all the work I've put into this travel meet, is calling me out. She's not EVEN APART OF THIS CLUB! She's thinking about only herself and not for the fact that i had to also accomidate 50+ other people. So how did I respond? I stood up for myself and started my long message to her with "Treat others how you want to be treated". I called her out for being rude and basically told her that I don't have to put anyone with anyone they want. Hey, I even put her in a car with one of her friends! I try to put people with who they want, because I CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE ON THIS CLUB. I want everyone to have as good of a travel experience as possible. It stresses me to no end, when I have to put people in cars that they don't want to be in. But the thing is.... you can't make everyone happy. You can't! Somebody's going to be not 100% satisfied. I'm not looking for pity, but these people don't understand how much effort i put into making these lists to try and make as many people happy as possible. It's not easy, it fucking sucks. I don't even have to make it this hard on myself. I could totally disregard everyone and save hours out of my day. Past travel coordinators have done it, but I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT, because I care for this club! This club has given an amazing college experience and I'm working as hard as I can to give everyone that same experience that I have. I take a lot of L's, I make a lot of mistakes. I try to laugh at my mistakes and I try to accept those L's, and as Justyn Knight said "turn them into lessons". But in this giant rant, my point is that I'm trying really hard and i don't respect this fucking rando for telling me how shitty of a job I'm doing, because she isn't happy.

Ok, glad to have gotten this off my chest. I'm just so mad for being completely disrespected. I honestly hope this girl drops the meet, because she deserve the tremendous experience of a travel meet. Thanks for listening to my rant guys. I'm glad to have you guys to be able rant to. I'm sorry this log was so rambly. I'll probably read it tomorrow and be like wow "that was an absolute fucking disaster", but writing this rant has helped me calm down a lot. So on that note, thanks again and have a good night boys.